• About MKcinetvstudio

        The manufacturing excellence of the studio

    The company was founded by Michalis Kontogiannis. The experience, the knowledge, the insight, the methodological the organization of the founder of the company combined with the innovative investment activity in new technology equipment the manufacturing excellence of the studio and the units, (suites), the editing, the constant updating of the new technological developments, make differ and excel.

  • The mkstudio Process

    Every scenario, creative idea, concept, with flexibility.

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    The inspiration can come from an observation of what's missing from a client's current collection or a simple problem.

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    Company combined with the innovative investment activity in new technology equipment, the manufacturing excellence of the studio and the units.
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    The company covers all the technical requirements and requirements of the producers set by the Greek and European TV channels.

    Studio and the units

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    STUDIO (area, technical specifications)

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    EDITING (number, technical specifications)

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      CRANES (number, technical specifications)

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      LIGHTING BODIES (items)

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    Inside the office

  • Space Plan

    Equipment & Tools



    Floor Plan and Size of the Studio

    Press photo to see details

  • Studio Talk

    Commonly asked.

    How would you describe your design aesthetic?

    With a spirit of ingenuity and a tint of ridiculousness.

    Where is your Bussines?

    All that we sell is right in our studio in . From the idea to you you can order or contact us

    How to you work with clients?

    Our clients benefit from the visceral reaction of seeing many jobs or full size prototype.

  • Contact us

    Come meet your collaborators.

    Feidiou 3
    Agios Dimitrios Greece
    Weekly From 10:00 a.m - 23:00 p.m